Jana van der Beucken

Drawings | Paintings | Prints


Hi there! I’m Jana (she/her), a self-employed artist and media designer from Germany with a degree in media design (Game & Animation) and a BA (Hons) degree in Computer Games Art.I have started my self-employment journey in 2020 and have since been able to utilize my acquired skills and further improve them. My work has, among other things, required me to create digital paintings and commission work with regards to realism standards, create print media for a self-managed Etsy Shop, occasionally produce videos and consistently create new artworks for a small Patreon community.While my professional work is currently mainly centered around 2D art, I love exploring other creative outlets with personal projects in my own time. Playing guitar, working on music, improving 3d environment composition skills in Unreal Engine and creative writing continue to bring me much joy and allow me to further express myself creatively.Outside of art, I enjoy a healthy (probably) balance of cycling through nature and eating chocolate (not simultaneously), finding new inspiration in visual and interactive storytelling, and also keeping my plants alive.
(Side note: An updated version of my 3D art portfolio will find its way here eventually)
